Two Signs It's Time To Switch Your Auto Insurance Carrier

Finding an auto insurance company that you can stay with for decades is a marvel, but sometimes your own situation can change, and finding another insurance company becomes a priority. Take a look at these two features, and consider looking for a new insurance company that offers them to handle your auto coverage.

A Discount for Driving Less

A couple of insurance companies greeted the lockdowns in various states with promises to lower rates or refund some money. However, you should be able to get discounts for driving less even when there are no stay-at-home orders in place. Insurance companies generally have a minimum level of driving that everyone has to pay for (described in miles per year, such as 7,000 miles per year), with different levels and increasing premiums. Nowadays some insurance companies are switching to a network of auto mechanics who can report your car's mileage at each oil change to the insurance company so reductions to your premiums if your mileage dropped would be automatic; if your mechanic isn't part of that network, don't worry because you can still work out a deal with the insurance company. You just need to call them and discuss how much you're really using your car.

Consistent Customer Service

One model for car insurance is the traditional agent office with full-time staff, but another model, the centralized customer service call center, has gained popularity in recent years. Neither model is inherently better than the other because their successes are all about how good their customer service people are, rather than what their business model is. You can have great agents and bad call center staff and vice versa. In your case, look at how well your questions have been answered and whether the people you speak with have taken the time needed to solve problems. You also need to look at the consistency of advice between people you speak to. If customer service is well done when you first call, maybe consider that insurance company.

Granted, maybe you've thought about switching before, and you decided not to. But if you feel it's time to switch, take another look at how other insurance companies are doing and what they're offering to policy holders. New companies and changes in policies can also improve the level of coverage and service, bringing more benefits to you.

For more information, reach out to auto insurance companies near you. 
