Car insurance can be confusing. With varying levels of state laws and requirements, you may have some assumptions in mind that aren't quite accurate. It's important to understand the insurance laws in your state and to make sure that you're properly informed and up to date so that you can insure yourself properly. We've taken the time to debunk some common car insurance myths so that you can make sure that you're believing truths.
1. State Car Insurance Minimums Are Fine
The minimum insurance requirements vary by state, and some states have very low requirements in place. While you'll need to at least meet these minimum requirements when you purchase insurance, it's important to really look into the details when you buy a policy. You want to make sure that you have plenty of coverage, not just some. It's especially important to buy more coverage if you have a newer vehicle or if you're still making payments on your car.
2. An Expensive Car Will Cost More to Insure
A lot of factors go into the cost of insurance for vehicles. Just because you purchased a pricey car doesn't mean that it will cost a lot more to insure it. You can find average rates for certain models online, and you can find out which cars are usually the least to insure.
3. Personal Property in a Vehicle Is Coverage by Car Insurance
Unfortunately, no. If you want to protect your personal items, you'll need to have a renters' or homeowners' insurance policy. Car insurance policies do not cover personal belongings.
4. All Car Insurance Policies Include Rental Coverage
You can purchase rental car coverage when you buy your policy, but you don't want to just assume that it's included. This is almost always an extra policy charge. The good news is it's quite affordable, so be sure to ask about it.
4. If a Car Is Totaled in an Accident, Insurance Will Cover the Cost of a Brand New Car
If your car is totaled and you have a valid claim, insurance will only give you the value of your car at the time of the accident. A lot goes into determining this like age, wear and tear, and the cost of similar models as yours currently for sale in your area.
Make sure that you're properly insuring your car and that you understand what our car insurance policy covers. If you need to re-evaluate your car insurance situation or if you'd like to get quotes for coverage, reach out to a car insurance agent.