3 Reasons You Need a Life Insurance Policy as a Stay-At-Home Parent

If you have decided to stay at home as you raise your children, and your spouse works an outside job, you should still carry a life insurance policy. As a stay-at-home parent, the work you do and the way you contribute to your family has a lot of value, which is why you want to make sure you are protecting your family via a life insurance policy.

#1: To Replace the Value of Your Contributions

As a stay-at-home parent, you fulfill many different roles. Many stay-at-home parents create meal plans for the entire family, go grocery shopping, and take care of the cooking. Many stay-at-home parents take their kids to all their activities and doctor's appointments. If your children are not of school age, you may look after your children full time and take responsibility for your kids outside of school hours. Many stay-at-home parents also take care of cleaning the house and regular housekeeping tasks.

If you were to suddenly die, it could be really difficult for your spouse to fulfill all of those roles while keeping a full-time job. They would more than likely need to get help with many of the roles that you filled. Life insurance is designed to provide money to replace the money you are making or the value of your contribution. The value of a stay-at-home parent is equal to a full-time working parent, which is one of the primary reasons why you need life insurance.

#2: To Replace Future Income

If you were working a full-time job before having children and decided to stay-at-home for a set number of years before going back to the workplace, you and your family may have made specific financial scarifies now, knowing you would eventually go back to work. A life insurance policy takes into account the value of your contributions now and the money you would have provided your family in the future.

#3: To Pay Off Family Debt

Finally, by getting a life insurance policy, you can help pay off the debt that may be difficult for your family to handle and add additional stress to their life if you were dead. For example, a life insurance policy can be used to pay off your family's credit card debt or to pay off car loans or a mortgage.

A life insurance policy is designed to ease the financial burden on your family should you die. Even as a stay-at-home parent who is not bringing in a traditional income, you provide your family with a lot of value. A life insurance policy is one way to protect that value and ensure your family is taken care of should anything ever happen to you. Contact local services such as Bear River Mutual Insurance to learn more. 
