The Top 3 Things To Know If You Need An SR22 Filing

SR22 filings are documents provided by insurance companies that offer proof of auto insurance coverage. The average driver does not need this filing, but many high-risk drivers do. If you need an SR22 filing, you should receive a letter in the mail that tells you this information. When you receive this letter, you should act quickly. If you need SR22 insurance but are not sure what it even means, here are three of the top things you must know right now.

1. You Have a Deadline

One critical factor is the deadline you have for purchasing an SR22 filing. The deadline is the last date in which you can buy the policy without risking the loss of your license. You will have several weeks from the date of the letter to buy a plan. If you buy one by this date, you will not lose your driving privileges. If you don't buy a plan by this date, you will lose your license. Therefore, start looking for a policy right now instead of waiting even a day or two.

2. Buying Coverage Is Only Optional if You Don't Mind Losing Your License

When you read the letter that tells you that you need SR22, you might wonder if buying it is optional. In a way, yes, it's optional. In another way, though, it's not. If you do not mind losing your license, then you can view this requirement as optional. However, if you need to keep driving, then buying an SR22 filing is not optional. It's the only way you can legally continue driving. If driving is essential for your life, then start shopping for a policy now.

3. There Is a Consecutive Length Requirement

The other vital thing to know is that there is a consecutive length requirement, and this means two things:

  1. You must keep the filing for a specific length of time. The time needed is usually three years, but this varies. Therefore, once you buy the policy, you must keep it in place for this timeframe.
  2. The timeframe must be consecutive. You cannot keep coverage for a year and then cancel the policy and choose a different one a few months later. You must keep it consecutively. There must be no lapses at all.

Now that you understand these three things, you'll probably want to start calling around right away. You should not wait too long to begin your search, so call an auto insurance company today to find a policy that offers an SR22 filing.
