You don't need an insurance agent to purchase auto insurance — you can buy coverage directly from insurance companies. However, an auto insurance agent can help you in various ways.
Here are some of the specific services that auto insurance agents offer.
Coverage Monitoring
A good agent will help you monitor your coverage. Monitoring is necessary since coverage needs change all the time. For example, if you buy a new luxury car, your agent can advise you to buy comprehensive coverage if you don't have one in place already. If you have comprehensive coverage, your agent can advise you to increase your coverage to cater for your increased risk exposure.
Claim Assistance
Auto insurance claims can be complicated some of the time. Say you have a paperwork problem, you don't understand your coverage properly, or you don't know how to maximize your claim — your agent can help you with all those issues. Even if you are suave with auto insurance claims, an agent can process your claim so that you can focus on your day job.
Guidance and Advice
The auto insurance industry may look straightforward, but many motorists find it difficult to understand and navigate. You need to know the factors that affect auto insurance, the available discounts, and the companies with the best coverage, among other things. In addition, most of the information is not static — things change all the time. What is true today may not necessarily be true next year or even next month.
An agent understands the industry better than the next person — it is the agent's duty to do so. Thus, if you need the latest and most accurate information, your agent should be your one-stop-shop.
Resolving Issues
Auto insurance claims are common triggers for disagreements between motorists and their insurance companies. However, disagreements also arise outside claim issues. Motorists sometimes complain of premium refunds, rate determination, penalties, and lack of clarity.
If you have such an issue with your insurance carrier, your agent can act as your attorney and deal with your insurer on your behalf. Apart from the time saved, the agent may also get you a better resolution than you would get otherwise. This is possible since agents understand insurance issues better than you.
Reviewing Quotes
Lastly, an independent insurance agent can also help you get and compare quotes from different insurers. You provide the agent with all the relevant information, and they help you shop for the best rate on the market.
To learn more, talk to an auto insurance agency like Germain Insurance Agency.