If you are looking to purchase a new car, one of the questions you may have is how you go about getting auto insurance for a new automobile. You cannot purchase auto insurance until you own a vehicle, and in some cases, may not be able to drive the vehicle off of the lot without having auto insurance. Here is everything you need to know about auto insurance and purchasing a new automobile.
If You Do Not Have Full Auto Insurance or Any Auto Insurance
You will not be able to drive your vehicle off of the dealership lot until you can prove that you have an auto insurance policy in place. If you are financing the vehicle, the dealership may also prevent you from leaving with the vehicle until you can prove that you have full auto insurance coverage. If you do not yet have full auto insurance coverage or any auto insurance, the dealership may have supplemental policies that you can buy from them. These policies are typically pricey and only last a month, but this gives you time to purchase your own insurance policy or upgrade to full auto insurance with your current carrier.
If You Do Have Full Auto Insurance
If you already have a full auto insurance policy in place, this policy will typically cover a new vehicle for 7 to 10 days after buying a car. However, you should not wait that long to add your vehicle. It is recommended that you contact your current auto insurance company and add your car to your existing policy during normal business hours.
Other State Specific Considerations
It is also important to note that in most states, you are required by law to carry auto insurance in order to register your vehicle. Different states have different laws in place in regards to how much time you have to register a new vehicle after purchasing it, generally ranging from 14 to 30 days. You will need an auto insurance policy with your new vehicle listed as a covered vehicle in order to register your vehicle and get your license plates.
If you are planning on purchasing a new automobile, it is highly recommended that you get into contact with a auto insurance provider. They can provide you with specific information about adding your new car to a policy and what you need to do if you purchase a car outside of normal auto insurance business hours. If you unexpectedly purchase a new auto mobile, you will want to contact a auto insurance carrier as soon as their office opens to add your car to your auto insurance policy.
There are lots of fine details about making sure you have the right insurance for your needs. To learn more about what kind of auto insurance you would need, contact insurance agencies in your area.